Satisfaction Guaranteed
Don't let your work fall down and risk not looking professional with simple errors. I can help you catch those tricky typos and errors, whether it falls under the grammar, spelling, or formatting umbrella. I have primed eagle eyes and a dedication to proofing that leaves clients confident their work is ready for publication.
I offer a rate of £25 per 1,000 words, or a negotiable rate for bigger projects.
Get in touch to see how I can help!

Committed to Quality
I can edit your work, offering a full page of editorial feedback detailing structural suggestions, developmental work, and tips, or I can provide line editing (precision of sentence structure, writing style, clarity, etc.) to make your writing shine. While I specialise in middle grade and young adult fiction, I am also happy to work on other projects, from different genres to memoirs, and articles to blogs.
I've worked on editing manuscripts, blogs, memoir writing, special interest books, and personal statements.
Please get in touch to discuss.
I am happy for larger payments to be made in instalments.
Need something else? Please get in touch if you have a project you'd like to discuss. You never know what might be possible unless you ask!